1. These resources should help you keep learning after class. I tried to choose free resources over paid ones, but some paid ones made it in because they're so good.

    To get ready for interviews

    For fun


    Command Line Tips

    Computer Science

    If you want a well-rounded education in computer science, try these three books:

    More Data Science


    In six months

    • The Pragmatic Programmer hardcover, ebook -- one of the best books about programming there is

  2. Welcome to week 9!

    Plan for the week

    • Monday: Introduction to JavaScript, showing front-end class how to work inside Django, begin FE/Python group project
    • Tuesday: Entire-cohort introduction to d3.js, continue FE/Python group project
    • Wednesday: Review, prep for pitches
    • Thursday: pitch day

    Learning objectives

    • Explain the purpose of JavaScript
    • Infer what a piece of JavaScript is doing
    • Integrate with a front-end team on a project
    • Extrapolate from a D3 chart to make a new chart

  3. Code from class:


    Steps to deploy on Heroku:

    1. pip install django-toolbelt
    2. pip freeze > requirements.txt
    3. heroku create {subdomain} in your project.
    4. Set the proper environment variables on Heroku:
      • heroku config:set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE={your_project}.heroku_settings
      • heroku config:set PYTHONPATH={your_project}
      • heroku config:set SECRET_KEY={some key, at least 40 characters}
    5. Add a file called heroku_settings.py next to your settings.py. Example
    6. Update your wsgi.py.
    7. Add a Procfile. Example
    8. Add a runtime.txt. Example
    9. git commit -am 'Added files for Heroku'
    10. git push heroku master
    11. If all this works:
      • heroku run python {your_project}/manage.py migrate

    This article from Heroku is much more detailed.

  4. Django REST Framework (DRF) is big, as is the concept of building APIs. Some resources you may want to check out:

  5. Plan for the week

    • Monday: Introduction to APIs, REST.
    • Tuesday: API design and authentication.
    • Wednesday: Using third-party APIs.
    • Thursday: API Review/front-end pairing.

    Learning objectives

    • Summarize the REST architecture.
    • Select the right HTTP verb for an action.
    • Design a simple REST API.
    • Implement authentication and authorization for an API in Django.
    • Use a third-party API for authentication and data access.
    • Integrate a front-end JavaScript application with an API.
    • Recognize and understand simple JavaScript.
    • Implement JavaScript to asynchronously communicate with a REST API.

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